Every thought and emotion affects your health. A holistic health approach encompasses treating the whole person: the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Traditional cultures have known for thousands of years that these aspects are intimately connected. Every food we eat, every thought we entertain, every emotion we feel and every interaction we experience impacts overall health.

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008

Tips memilih kosmetik

Sebelum kita memilih kosmetik yang kita gunakan hendaknya kita mengenal jenis kulit kita, apakah termasuk kering, berminyak, kombinasi atau normal. Karena setiap jenis kulit memerlukan perawatan yang berbeda-beda. Bagi wanita yang bekerja senantiasa menggunakan kosmetik sepanjang hari sehingga harus membersihkan kulit wajah setiap hari, agar tidak terlihat kusam.

Untuk mendapatkan kulit yang sehat dibutuhkan kesehatan tubuh secara total. Luangkan waktu untuk Olah Raga. Untuk tata rias wajah yang baik hendaknya disesuaikan dengan jenis kulit, warna kulit, rambut, mata dan busana.


1. Jenis kulit Normal, pori-pori tidak terlihat, tampah cerah dan segar. Kulit ini sangat mudah merawatnya, tidak perlu banyak memerlukan kosmetik, dapat menghasikan make up yang halus dan tahan lama.

2. Jenis kulit Kering, kulit tipis, pori-pori tdk terlihat, nampak suram dan kusam. Kulit ini disebabkan kelenjar minyak kurang aktif bekerja, sehingga minyak yang dihasilkan kurang, cenderung mudah keriput, untuk merawatnya gunakan cream malam.

Ataukah termasuk dalam kategori yang ini :

3. Jenis kulit berminyak, kulit tebal, pori-pori terbuka, basah mengkilat dan lengket. Kulit ini disebabkan kelenjar minyak aktif bekerja sehingga minyak diproduksi berlebih, kulit ini mudah kotor dan berjerawat.

4. Jenis kulit sensitif, kulit yang tidak tahan dengan kosmetik yang mengandung alkohol, terasa panas dan gatal-gatal. (KK-red)

Dengan petunjuk dokter

Penggunaan kosmetik yang benar dan berdasarkan petunjuk dokter pada dasarnya tidak akan menimbulkan masalah besar. Dokter kulit atau kecantikan sebelum memberikan perawatannya senantiasa memeriksa kondisi kulit pengguna, apakah kering, berminyak, bila jerawat apakah akibat bakteri atau hormonal, dsb. Selanjutnya dokter akan memberikan treatment yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasien. Berdasarkan survey, penggunaan kosmetik yang paling banyak di Asia ( termasuk Indonesia) dan Arfrika adalah sediaan kosmetik pemutih kulit/ pemucat kulit/ bleaching skin. Sedangkan sediaan lain yang juga mengandung bahan berbahaya seperti rhodamin B pada lipstick berwarna merah juga sudah dilarang pemakaiannya oleh BPOM, karena pewarna ini sebenarnya pewarna kertas, tekstil, dan tinta. Zat ini menyebabkan iritasi saluran pernafasan, karsinogenik, dan merusak hati.

Hindari kosmetik mengandung mercury

Mercury telah sangat jelas dilarang penggunaannya karena antara lain dapat merusak kulit wajah berupa iritasi kulit, pengelupasan kulit, hiperpigmentasi, karsinogenik dan teratogenik pada pemakaian waktu tertentu. Mercury dilaporkan merusak syaraf secara permanen, tremor, insomnia, kepikunan, gangguan penglihatan, ataksia, depresi. Sedangkan hidrokuinon saat ini masih diperbolehkan secara terbatas, yaitu hanya untuk indikasi atas diagnosis dokter, tidak lebih dari 2%, dan jangka waktu pendek. Hidrokuinon telah dilarang di Negara maju karena secara penelitian ilmiah (pada tikus) terbukti sebagai karsinogenik, dan pada manusia berkulit gelap menyebabkan oochronosis, yaitu menjadi lebih gelap dan menipis, gatal dan seperti terbakar.

dalam bahasa inggris ngawur

Before we chose cosmetics that were used by us preferably we knew our skin kind, including dry, was oily, the combination or normal. Because each skin kind needed the different maintenance. For the woman who worked always used cosmetics all day so as to have to clean face skin every day, in order to be not seen dull. To get healthy skin was needed by the health of the body totally. Luangkan time for Sport. For good face makeup should be adapted to the skin kind, the colour of skin, hair, the eyes and the fashion.

Know your SKIN KIND

  1. The Normal skin kind, pores were not seen, tampah clear and fresh. This skin really was easy to treat him, often might not need cosmetics, could menghasikan make up that was soft and durable.

  2. The Dry skin kind, thin skin, pores tdk was seen, visible gloomy and dull. This skin was caused the sebaceous gland was more inactive worked, so as oil that was produced not all that, tended

    to be easy wrinkles, to treat him used cream the night. Or including in the category this one:

  3. The skin kind was oily, thick skin, pores were open, wet shone and was close. This skin was caused the active sebaceous gland worked so as oil was produced was abundant, this skin was easy dirty and berjerawat.

  4. The sensitive skin kind, skin that did not keep with cosmetics that contained alcohol, was felt hot and very itchy. (heads of households-red)

With the guidance dokter

The use of true cosmetics and was based on the guidance of the doctor basically will not cause the big problem. The skin doctor or beauty before giving his maintenance always checked the condition for the user's skin, dry, was oily, when the pimple whether resulting from the bacteria or hormonal, etc.. Further the doctor will give treatment that was matched with the condition for the patient. Be based on survey, the use of cosmetics that most in Asia (including Indonesia) and Arfrika was the supply of cosmetics of skin bleach/pemucat skin/bleaching skin. Whereas the other supply that also contained the hazardous material like rhodamin B in lipstick was red also has been banned by his use by BPOM, because of this dye in fact paper dye, textile, and ink. This substance caused the irritation of the respiratory tract, carcinogenic, and damaged the heart.

Avoid cosmetics contained mercury

Mercury was very clear was banned by his use because including could damage face skin took the form of the irritation of skin, pengelupasan skin, hiperpigmentasi, carcinogenic and teratogenik in the use of specific time. Mercury it was reported damaged nerves permanently, the tremor, insomnia, senility, the disturbance of the sight, ataksia, depression. Whereas hidrokuinon at this time still was permitted in a limited way, that is only for the indication on the doctor's diagnosis, not more than 2%, and the short period. Hidrokuinon was banned in developed countries because in a manner the scientific research (to the mouse) was proven as carcinogenic, and to skinned humankind dark caused oochronosis, that is becoming darker and diminishing, itchy and as being burnt. (from various sources)

(dari berbagai sumber)

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